Day 15: Local business owners

DAY 15: Sunday, October 15

TOPIC: Local Business Owners

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 46:1 says this, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."

OBSERVATION: If you were given a 1 lb weight, how long could you hold it out in front of you? It may not be a lot at first, but over time we will give out from exhaustion. We often try and do the same thing with the tough situations in our own lives. Holding tight to the struggle is not how God intended us to respond to our hardships. He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. All we must do is ask.

PRAYER: Lord, we lift up the local business owners here in El Dorado. We thank them for their commitment towards our community by providing both our wants and needs. Father, we pray that every local business owner would feel comforted and strengthened knowing that you are our refuge and our strength. That whatever life may throw our way, you are a very present help when we call out to you. I pray that they will be encouraged by the strength we have through you by being the hands and feet of Jesus to the lost. Thank you for your sacrifice of your son in n the cross for our sins and thank you for blessings we have all received. Amen.

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