Day 34: Safety in schools

DAY 34: Friday, November 3

TOPIC: Safety in Schools

SCRIPTURE: Lord, You watch over us. You are the shade on my right hand; the sun will not harm me by day nor the moon by night. You keep us from all harm; You watch over our lives. You watch over our coming and going both now and forevermore. Psalm 121:5-8

OBSERVATION: The world is defined by uncertainty. The only certainty we have is God's love for us and our knowledge that God earnestly desires our prayers. As we engage with God through prayer may we always remember to pray for safety and protection for the students, faculty, administration and staff of our schools.

PRAYER: Gracious and merciful God, we thank You that You are ever present in our lives. You promise to watch over us. We pray for Your protection for the students, faculty, administration and staff of our schools. We ask that You provide safety and security for everyone involved in the educational process. We praise you for the certainty of Your love. We pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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