Ouachita County has first confirmed case of COVID-19

According to Ouachita County Judge Robert McAdoo, Ouachita County has a confirmed case of COVID-19.

In a Facebook post McAdoo said, “We have our First confirmed case of COVID-19 in Ouachita County. I was just notified by the Arkansas Department Health at 9:15 a.m., today. The ADH is doing the investigation on this confirmed case of where the person has traveled, who they have had contact with, and all other recent history. This is highly confidential and we will not receive information of the ADH’s investigation. Prayers for this person whomever it might be and all family and associates.”

Camden Mayor Julian Lott, in a Facebook live broadcast, stated, “As most of you have already heard, we received notice from the Arkansas Department of Health about 9:15 this morning that we, we have our first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Camden. We anticipated our community would eventually have a positive case and the statistical models indicated it would likely be this week. Our team was not surprised by these results and want to assure you that planning has been taking place in preparation for this event. The fact that we’ve gone this long without a positive case is a testament to the public’s dedication to implement the physical distancing guidelines provided to us by public health experts.

“I pray all of us will continue to follow these guidelines, especially at this time, to ensure we contain and slow the spread of this disease.

“I want to tell you that all systems with our local clinics and hospital are in place to treat any one infected and to continue to test those who are exhibiting symptoms. We have been in contact with our local health professionals and the County Government to ensure we are doing what is expected of us at this time. We were not caught off guard by this positive COVID-19 test. We are prepared and the systems set in place for this particular event are functioning

“Each of us have a responsibility to ourselves and our community to be socially responsible and do our part to implement the guidelines provided to us by health professionals to ensure the spread of this disease is slowed as much as possible.

“Additionally, I urge all or you to refrain from spreading rumors through social media or other means. The privacy of the individuals affected by this disease are protected by law. Please, I beg of you, do not be the person contributing to unnecessary panic. Passing inaccurate information can be detrimental to the overall situation.

“If you believe you have been in contact with someone exhibiting symptoms or you have symptoms yourself, be responsible and self isolate. If you have been tested, follow the directions of the health care providers and self-quarantine for the prescribed amount of time.

“Unnecessary travel is discouraged, particularly outside your immediate area. If you can stay home, then stay home. If you must go to work, take the social distancing guidelines with you and implement them at all times. You must protect yourself and our community from this disease.

“In closing, I ask for everyone to join together in prayer. Pray for the people who have contracted this disease, their families, and our medical professionals on the front line of this fight. Camden’s COVID-19 Task Force and I will continue to update you with the most accurate information available. Now that we have a positive case in our community, I will be releasing information daily in an effort to keep everyone informed.”

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